Oh Foolish Galatians

In Romans Chapter 12 Paul writes, “Be no longer conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so you may know the will of God, that is what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Conformed here means “to be pressed into the likeness of” or living according to the pattern of the world.  Transformed comes from the Greek word from which we get metamorphosis – a change in form and habits.  (Caterpillar to Butterfly).  Renewing means “to be made new again” and mind is as you would imagine, “the intellect.”

So basically Paul is saying, stop living like caterpillars because the truth of the Gospel has changed your form and habits into those of a butterfly and you need to begin thinking and acting like a butterfly. Caterpillars are eating machines, devouring more food than they can actually contain within their bodies.  They selfishly destroy the leaves and trees that support them as they eat voraciously causing them to shed their skin four or five times in order to grow large enough to contain their appetites.  Caterpillars predominately eat leaves and are not able to drink, so all water that they require for life is contained within the leaves they eat.

Once a caterpillar receives the internal signal that metamorphosis is at hand he attaches to the branch (“I will raise up for David a righteous Branch……”Jeremiah 23:5) and through a process of literally dying to itself the caterpillar is metamorphosed into a butterfly.  Once a caterpillar has become a butterfly it has changed form and habits.  A butterfly has wings to fly and no longer lives off of eating leaves.  In fact, whereas a caterpillar has no ability to drink anything, a butterfly can only survive by drinking.  Butterfly’s ingest everything they need for life by sipping nectar, fruit juice or water.  They have no ability to eat like a caterpillar because they have been transformed.

When Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians, he was astonished that the butterflies he had left behind had foresaken flying by the power of the Spirit and drinking in the nectar of the Spirit.  They had abandoned new life because caterpillars or butterflies living like caterpillars had come behind Paul and “bewitched” them.  Paul reminds them that they do not need to eat leaves in order to survive, in fact trying to eat leaves through the straws they now have to sip in life will ultimately destroy them.  The wings they now have to fly will make crawling like a caterpillar difficult if not impossible as well.  In fact trying to live like a caterpillar once you’ve become a butterfly will only condemn you and fill you with guilt while negating the transforming work of metamorphosis.

You see, as Paul points out to the Galatians, the law was given as a guardian for the caterpillar state of the believer.  In the fullness of time, God sent His Son to fulfill the law and to redeem us from the penalty of sin so that we could become butterflies and live in a new way – by the Spirit.  We now have everything necessary to drink in Life and thereby we are changed into His image.  Paul says we do not need to rebuild the leaves of the law because the law has done its work in our lives – we know we are sinners and in need of a savior.  Now that we are butterflies we need to learn to think like butterflies with a new mind. We need to sip in the Life of the Spirit and we need to soar on wings like eagles.  In our new nature we cry, “Abba (Daddy) father” because we are no longer slaves (caterpillars) but we are heirs (butterflies) through God. (Metamorphosis while attached to the Branch).

We need Jordan Spieth to Shine

Golf needs Jordan Spieth to win, win regularly and win majors.  But more importantly, we need Jordan Spieth to win.  Jordan Spieth is the kind of hero we need right here, right now.  But who is Jordan Spieth?

Jordan Spieth is 23 years old, born in 1993 in Dallas, Texas.  His parents are both former college athletes and Jordan grew up playing golf, football, basketball, baseball and soccer.  At age 9 he mowed a spot in the his family’s lawn as short as he could to practice his putting.  He won the U.S. Junior Amateur at age 16 and age 18, joining Tiger Woods as the only two time U.S. Junior Amateur champion.  At age 17, Jordan was invited to play in the PGA Tour event, The Byron Nelson Championship and finished 16th.  He enrolled at the University of Texas and was named College Player of the Year as a freshman leading the Longhorns to the NCAA National Championship.  At age 19 he was Low Amateur in the 2012 U.S. Open and at year’s end he turned pro.

Since turning pro Jordan has tasted much success, winning both the Masters and the U.S. Open and being ranked Number 1 in the world for a time.  More recently however he has struggled a bit by his standards, having blown a big lead in last year’s Masters and finishing 37th, 30th and 12th in the other 3 Majors.  He helped the United States win the Ryder Cup last fall but seemingly lost his swing for most of the year.

As good as Jordan Spieth is as a player when on top of his game, his excellence is not why we need him right now.  When Tiger Woods was golf’s hero it was all about his greatness as a player and our fascination with his astounding ability.  That’s not why we need Jordan Spieth right now.  So why do we need him?  We need Jordan Spieth to be our hero because of his sister, his caddie and his heart.

Ellie Spieth, who is 16 years old, was born prematurely, with a still undiagnosed neurilogical disorder that has left her developmentally challenged.  But she remains the brightest star in the Spieth household and Jordan Spieth’s hero.  When people tell Jordan how much they admire his devotion to his sister he replies, “You might as well compliment me for not robbing the bank.  Loving Ellie is the most natural thing in the world and she is my hero.”  Ellie doesn’t care if Jordan wins or loses, she just loves him.  Life in all of its fullness is seen by Jordan Spieth through the lens of Ellie Spieth and it’s keeps him humble, respectful and appreciative.

Michael Grellar was a 6th grade math teacher in Washington State when in 2006 he was watching the U.S. Public Links Championship at Gold Mountain Country Club near his Gig Harbor home.  Having played NAIA golf in college, Michael offered to carry the bag of a player he saw carrying his own bag, Matt Savage of Florida State.  Savage advanced to the quarterfinals of the championship and never forgot Grellar’s kindness.  When the U.S Amateur was played at Chambers Bay in 2010 Savage recommended Grellar to Justin Thomas as his caddie and when the U.S. Junior Amateur came to Gold Mountain in 2011, Thomas recommended Grellar to 18 year old Jordan Spieth and together they won the U.S. Junior Amateur.  Ironically, on the first hole that Grellar caddied for Spieth he gave Jordan bad information forgetting that they had started on the 10th hole instead of the 1st.  They have been together ever since, Grellar leaving his $55,000 per year teaching job supplemented by caddie fees at local courses in exchange for making over $2,100,000.00 as Jordan’s caddie in 2015.  At age 39, Michael is able to keep Spieth grounded and focused when together they face difficult times.

But most importantly we need Jordan Spieth to succeed because of Jordan Spieth.  He is a great athlete.  He throws left handed but he swings right handed.  As he says, “because that’s how my dad did it.”  But it’s not Jordan’s athletic prowess that makes Jordan special.  It’s his heart.  It’s how he lives his life and how he works hard to be the best he can be.

Jordan Spieth does not have a naturally fluid or perfect golf swing.  When Tiger Woods was at his best his swing looked effortless.  But Jordan has to work at his swing mechanics and he has to work at the game just like you and me.  He gets out of rhythm and fights to keep the ball from hooking or hanging to the right.  Spieth does not hit the ball as far as the really big hitters on the PGA Tour.  He is a terrific putter but even his putting excellence is not so much mechanical as it is his will.  Jordan works his way around a golf course in the same way a great chess player wins a match or Greg Maddox pitches a shutout.  He does it with guile and grit and the person he is is the reason he wins.

Jordan Spieth is grounded in the security of the unconditional love of his family, in the incredible relationship he has with his sister Ellie, in the depth of his friendship with his caddie and in the comfort of his faith in Jesus Christ.  Jordan is driven by a desire to be the best and by a competitive spirit developed by playing other sports on a high level.  Jordan Spieth is the perfect hero.  He is humble and bold.  On the course he wants to win as much if not more than anyone else, but he never forgets that other people are more important than he is and that love is the most powerful force in the universe.  We desperately need a hero to step forward who is humble because he is secure in who he is and who cares more about the people around him than he does about his own ego.  Jordan Spieth is that kind of man.


An Obdience that comes from Faith

I actually enjoy cooking and baking.  I don’t do it very often anymore but I really do enjoy it.  One of my first paying jobs was as a short order cook at the Belvoir Grill on Rt. 1 in Alexandria, where I was nearly strangled by a trucker who failed to fully appreciate my refined sense of humor. (But that’s a different blog). At any rate I love to cook.

Many times when I cook I do it totally by memory, experience or instinct but when I bake I nearly always follow a recipe or the directions on a box.  I sometimes vary from the recipe or the instructions but only to the extent to which I trust my own knowledge or instincts above my belief and trust in the writer of the recipe or instructions.  If a recipe is a treasured favorite of my mother or someone else for whom I have tremendous faith I follow the recipe very carefully.  That is a perfect example of an obedience that comes from faith.

As I have written before, the word translated “obedience” most often in the New Testament means to “listen attentively”, that is to pay close attention to the words spoken or any other kind of communication.  The word translated faith most often in the New Testament means “persuaded”, therefore when describing the faith that Abraham had in God, Paul writes, “….Abraham was fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised…”. Faith always has an object.  Faith can only be as strong as the faithfulness of the object of your faith combined with the measure of your personal knowledge of the object of your faith.  Because I know my mother to be faithful in her writing of her recipes and I know my mother well, I pay careful attention to the details of her recipes.  Obedience that comes from faith.

Ultimately, having paid very close attention to my mother’s recipes I am transformed into someone who, because of my faith in her, is changed into someone who thinks about baking in a way very similar to her if not in exactly the same way.  The more attention I give her words when combined with the faith I have in her because of her faithfulness, the more I am changed and the more I bake like her by my new nature even when I am not baking one of her recipes.  Everything I bake will reflect my attentive listening and my faith.  An obedience that comes from faith.

At some point I no longer need the recipes.  I have been changed by my attentive listening and my baking reflects my obedience and faith.  Life is meant to be lived spontaneously.  Life is meant to flow from a transformed mind.  As Paul writes, “Be no longer conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  A renewed mind comes from attentively listening to the object of your faith and the transforming power of God’s truth.  As I listen to God’s word (reading it, singing it, listening to it, studying it, praying it, writing it, sharing it, applying it, and believing it) I am changed in how I see life and all of the creatures and elements God created within it. I especially am changed in how I see myself.  By nature I will begin to do the following, “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength and the second is like it, Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”  An obedience that comes from faith.

Man to Man or Zone

I would always start basketball practice with a question – “What is the purpose of defense?”  Players would answer, “steal the ball”, “keep the other team from scoring”, or “stop your man.”  I would respond, “The purpose of defense is to get the other team to take the worst possible shot!” You see that if you can get a team to take a bad shot most of the time you will have a chance for a rebound because most bad shots are missed.  If therefore you are a good rebounding team every bad shot basically becomes a turnover by your opponent and you have created a turnover while focusing on the most important thing – guarding the nest.

You see in “steal the ball”, “keep the other team from scoring” and “stop your man” your focus is not on the most important thing – the nest.  In each case you are either focused on the ball, the scoreboard or the man and not the nest.  Just like with bees, the nest is everything.  When an intruder tries to get close to the nest we defenders swarm, pushing the intruder away from the nest.  As defenders we start at the nest and push out from there, collectively not individually.

Playing defense collectively lends itself to zone principles.  I believe even if you intend on playing man to man defense as your primary defense you should start by teaching zone defense.  A zone defense when taught well will teach your team the fundamentals of playing team defense.  It will teach your team the importance of help side defense and will make them better rebounders because rebounding out of a zone defense takes discipline and floor balance.  A zone defense will train your focus on the nest and teach your players the importance of teamwork.  When you switch to man to man after playing a zone well your team will by nature help each other and scramble to close out on the back side. Most importantly it will set your focus correctly – on the nest.

The Absurdity of Pursuing Happiness

As we all know our founding fathers said that we were all created with the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  We are told that the purpose of government is to protect these rights.  While it makes sense that the government should protect us from being unjustly or prematurely killed and our government should protect us from being unjustly imprisoned or enslaved the government cannot do anything about our happiness.  In fact by definition no one can, not even ourselves.

The root word of the words “happy” and “happiness” is an Old English word “hap”.  The definition of the Old English word “hap” is “a chance event over which you have no control”.  Because this is the definition of “hap” when something occurs without known cause we say it just “happened.”

The word happy is used when all of your “haps” are lined up just the way you would like.  When they are you are said to be in a state of “happiness.”  But you see the problem!  If a “hap” is a chance event over which you have no control then you have no control over your “happiness.”  Happiness occurs by chance events lining up indiscriminately.  By definition no one can pursue “happiness.”

The Bible is not filled with “happy” people.  It is filled with joyful people.  “Happiness” is based on circumstances outside of oneself while joy is always found within.  Joy springs from an inner contentment based on settled belief and expectation of good.

Joy is knowing a secret.  Imagine you of one of ten students in a class.  Passing this class is a prerequisite of completing your degree and showing up and participating in each and every class is a requirement of remaining in school.  It is the day of the final exam.  No one in the class has a grade sufficient to pass the class even with a perfect score on the final exam but everyone must be present and complete the exam in order to continue in school.  Each and every student is hopeless – except you.  Last night the professor called you and admitted that the students were failing because of his failings as a teacher and that he was going to make everything right.  His plan was to give everyone in the class an A for the course on one condition.  His condition was you could not tell anyone of his plan until he did.  You had to hold in the truth.

The time for the final exam has arrived.  You are sitting in a class with nine other students who are absolutely hopeless.  As you look around the room all you see is nine empty faces, in fact anger is right under the surface.  But your fellow students notice something different on your face.  Because you know a secret and you are filled with joy, your countenance begins to rise.  In a seemingly hopeless situation you are filled with joy that you cannot contain.  Your fellow students accuse you of being crazy, not smart enough to understand the current situation.  But in fact your are the only one who knows the truth – and the truth has set you free.

The Bible is filled with people who know a secret.  It is filled with people who know who they are in Christ and where they are going.  Their circumstances are difficult but their hearts are light.  They are filled with joy!

Nats Notes – Volume 1 2017

The Nats can only pray that the weather on Opening Day is as nice as the weather in Washington today – 74 and sunny. It has been a strange winter in Washington for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the Nats lack of activity.  But still they are picked to win the National League East.  In my opinion the following questions will decide their fate in the East and beyond.

1) Who is the real Bryce Harper?  He needs to be a .285 hitter with .350 OBP, hit 30 home runs and drive in 95.  If he’s not the Nats will never go far.

2) Who is the real Stephen Strasburg?  He needs to win 15 games and be healthy down the stretch and in the playoffs.

3) How good is Trea Turner?  If he hits .300, steals 30 bases, scores 100 runs and hits 15 home runs he can be an average defensive shortstop and no one cares.  If not he needs to be an above average shortstop.  If he does both he could be MVP.

4) How good a hitter is Daniel Murphy?  Was last year an abiration or is he really that good.  He needs to be close.

5) Is Adam Eaton closer to Pete Rose or Ben Revere?  We need him to be a scrappy, get on base, batting lead off or second hitter who has a little pop and brings an attitude.  If he does he’s worth the steep price we paid.

6) Will the bullpen come together or fall apart?  Lots of arms, lots of concerns.  Someone needs to pitch the 7th, someone needs to pitch the 8th and someone needs to close.  Second biggest concern on the team.

7) Will the catchers hit above .225 or hit 10 home runs?  Biggest concern on the team.

8) Will Ryan Zimmerman or Jayson Werth hit .275 or hit 20 home runs or drive in 75 runs.  One of them needs to.

9). Will Anthony Rendon get his stroke back for the whole year?  He needs to hit .275 with 25 home runs and drive in 85 runs.

10) Will the bench be a strength again this year?  I hope so.

Go Nats!

It Matters Why We Do What We Do

When my daughter, Lindsay, was about 7 years old, (which just happens to be the same age that her oldest daughter Kahlan is right now),  she asked, “Dad may I walk down to Lisa’s house alone?”  Lisa was her best friend and lived on the opposite side of our neighborhood street several houses down.  I did not think it was a good idea for her to walk alone so I said, “No sweetheart, wait a few minutes and I will walk you down to her house and then call me when you are ready to come home and I will come get you.”

Now the moment of truth was at hand.  Was Lindsay going to “obey” me or not, but more importantly was she going to follow my words for the right reason.?  You see at that moment Lindsay had the following choices – (1) “disobey” me and wait until I went inside and just walk to Lisa’s house alone and defiant,  (2) “obey” my words but not believe in me and angrily wait for me to walk her to Lisa’s house, (3) just stomp up to her room and cry, (4) decide that if she waited and allowed me to walk her to Lisa’s house she would get a reward, (5) decide she had no choice but to wait because she would be punished if she “disobeyed, or (6) she could stand there, listen to my words, disagree with my assessment but allow her trust in my unconditional love for her to overcome her desire to do her own thing and allow me to walk her both ways even though she was sure she could do it alone.  

I italicized obey and disobey on purpose.  In the New Testament, the word most often translated “obey” means to “listen attentively.”  We often say to our children, “when are you going to start “listening” to me?”  Listening with attention is given to words we value.  And words we value come from people whom  we trust and love, but more importantly from people who respect us and love us.  To disobey doesn’t only mean not doing what the speaker has directed us to do, it also means doing what the speaker has directed us to do for the wrong reason.  In the example above each of Lindsay’s first five choices have an element of disobedience and selfishness.  Only the sixth option is true obedience based on listening attentively to an object of our faith and love.

Lindsay waited for me to walk her to Lisa’s house.  Why she waited only she knows.  I wish I could say that I know she chose the sixth option.  But if she is anything like me there was a part of self involved in the decision.  When I read or hear God’s word I often listen with limited attention and then follow for selfish reasons.  One day I pray that I may know God well enough to trust completely in His faithfulness and love and therefore listen with total attention and follow in response to His Love and Mercy.   Continue reading “It Matters Why We Do What We Do”

Super Bowl Thoughts – Patient Endurance

A tiny acorn falls through the cracks of a massive bolder apparently lost, never again to see the light of day.  But day after day, moment by moment the acorn persists at what it does best until one day it bursts forth and the massive bolder crumbles,  unable to stop the tree’s incredible growth.

On Sunday evening in Houston, the New England Patriots were left for dead but an incredible confluence of circumstance, luck and patient endurance allowed Bill Belchick and Tom Brady to stand tall again, holding the Lombardi Trophy high overhead.  As strange as it sounds the interception that Brady threw late in the first half actually hurt the Falcons late in the game and especially in overtime.  In the fourth quarter, the catch by Julian Edelman was incredible but the defender’s leg being in just the right place was at least fornutate.  But the Patriot’s persistent belief in their coaches and system ultimately brought them back from the dead.

Because of the “pick six” late in the first half, the Falcons ran only 19 plays in the entire first half.  They only ran 27 offensive plays in the entire second half.  The New England Patriots even while losing 28 – 9 at the end of the third quarter had a distinct advantage because they had run so many plays.  It is much more exhausting to play defense than it is to run offense.  By game’s end the New England Patriots had run an incredible 93 offensive play while the Falcons had run only 46. (the average NFL team runs 59 offensive plays in a game).

But more important than odd circumstances or lucky breaks, persistent belief in the system and steadfast hope were the main ingredients required for the Patriots to breakthrough.  Because the Falcons believed they had the quickness and athleticism to rush the passer with 4 and cover the Patriots receivers man to man all over the field the Patriots were running shallow crossing routs consistently throughout the first half.  The Falcons defenders did a great job covering those routes for two and a half quarters.  But then fatigue began to set in.  As the fourth quarter began, many teams would have panicked  down 28-9 but the Patriots stayed the course, believing in the system and in their players and coaches.  As the fourth quarter progressed, the Falcons defenders wore down more with each possession until back to back drives, the final drive followed quickly by an overtime drive, left them with legs that couldn’t react and minds that couldn’t think.

Just as the acorn just keeps growing not paying attention to the circumstances around it, the Patriots just do their job, trusting in who they are and obeying (listening attentively) their coaches.  And at the end, the Atlanta Falcons had no chance against the pressure of the patience.



Called and Set Apart

Many of my high school teammates and classmates will be surprised to hear this story but it is true and illustrates the basis for my strong faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I did not become a believer for many years after this event but the lessons learned have been crucial to my understanding of the Christian faith.

In August of 1966 I was alone, standing in my kitchen in Mt. Vernon Terrace having decided that I was not going to play football on any level at Mt. Vernon High School.  A year earlier I had played freshman football and at the end of the year Larry Hartman and I were brought up to stand on the sidelines and wear oversized jerseys for the final game or two of the varsity season.  But now as my family was falling apart, I had decided I was not going to play football because I was afraid – not of injury but of failure.  I knew I couldn’t measure up and had no one to talk to.

But then the phone rang.  I answered it, and to my astonishment and terror, it was Coach Miller.  He said, “Steve, where are you?  Practice started today and we missed you.  Did you just get back in town or what?”  I said, ” No, I have been here but I have decided not to play football.”  There was a long pause on the line.  Then Coach Miller said, “Steve, I have you penciled in to start at safety.  Why have you decided not to play?”  I said, shaking and tearing up, “I just don’t think I can.”  After another long pause, Coach Miller said, “I am coming to get you.  You are my starting safety and you do not need to be afraid.  I will teach you what you need to know and I will be there for you at every step.  Get your cleats and I will be over to get you.”

I found out later that some of the other coaches were concerned about coach Miller’s boldness in declaring me as his free safety.  But he had predestined me to be the starting safety and he called me.  He lowered himself to be my rescuer and he placed his affection upon me.  I didn’t earn it or deserve it when he chose me but because he did, I slowly but surely became the player he had foreseen me to be.  I made many mistakes along the way but at each step he was right there to pick me up, to encourage me and exhort me until I was living up to the measure of his grace.

I became a Christian in exactly the same way.  I was a hopeless sinner until God called me to himself.  He set His affection upon me and declared that I was His son.  I neither earned it nor deserved it.  He promised He would never leave me nor forsake me and in good times and in bad He would be right there beside me encouraging me and exhorting me.  I am slowly but surely becoming the man He has made me to be and I am endeavoring to measure up to His grace, pursuing that for which I was pursued.

Coach Miller was a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ for me and for that I will be forever grateful.  May he Rest In Peace in the arms of His Lord until we are reunited in Him.

Humility is the Sign of the Vine

Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches…..” (John 15:5).  Paul said, “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”. (Galatians 5:22-23)

Branches are humble vessels connecting source with fruit, content with being used without esteem.

Humility means “the state of being humble.” Both it and humble have their origin in the Latin word humilis, meaning “low.”

Here are some examples of humility in use:

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
— Proverbs 11:2

Who has not gazed at the night sky, mouth slightly agape? The experience is so common, its effects so uniform, that a standard vocabulary has evolved to describe it. Invariably we speak of the profound humility we feel before the enormity of the universe. We are as bits of dust in a spectacle whose scope beggars the imagination, whose secrets make a mockery of reason.
— Edwin Dobb, Harper’s, February 1995

If leadership has a secret sauce, it may well be humility. A humble boss understands that there are things he doesn’t know. He listens: not only to the other bigwigs in Davos, but also to the kind of people who don’t get invited, such as his customers.
—The Economist, 26 Jan. 2013

For many, the lowness in both humility and humble is something worth cultivating.

Without humility any fruit in our lives is artificial, incapable of nourishing or regenerating and always self serving.

“The humble shall be exalted and the exalted shall be humbled.” (Luke 14:11)